Today’s Journey…


I’d like to begin with a prayer request.

My dad, John Benton, will be having open heart surgery, Monday morning (2/13/12).   Please remember him in your prayers and add him to any prayer list you may have. 

The weather is suppose to turn nasty tomorrow night, into Monday.   I hope the roads are not too bad, as I want and need to be there with my mom, during dad’s surgery.

I am so thankful I have friends like you, who I feel comfortable making such a request too.  It means more than you can know.  🙂

I was going to make a tote bag today, but when my daughter asked if I wanted to go flea marketing today, I chose to do that instead.   After all, she’s only going to be 15 once.  🙂
Here’s what I found today. 
A cookbook, the proceeds go toward mission work.
A set of cathedral window blocks.  The hard part is already done, the cutting, folding and pressing.  Two were already sewn together with the center block started.  I finished it off for this picture.  The center block pattern was in the bag also.   I plan to work on these while we wait on dad’s surgery to get done.  It will be about six hours.   
I also found a pair of Americana place mats, that I plan to use either on a cedar chest, piano or hang one on the wall.   I like their look, and they will go well in my living room.
As we walked back into our house around 5pm, the smell of cinnamon rolls was in the air.  My sweetheart, baked cinnamon rolls today and they are yummy!   
My hubby is such a good man to be blessed with, and I’m not just saying that because of the cinnamon rolls.  🙂
I realized this evening, I have yet to submit my block of the month.  
I will try to get that done, this next week.
~Sonia R Parham~
Worries and fears
Overwhelm us, 
Causing tears.
When that bleak moment comes
Remember, there is One,
Who can calm the waters
And chase away the dread in our heart.
Just hand it over to the Lord, 
Feel your burden depart.
Know He is beside you day and night.
Holding you in His hands, 
Keeping you in sight.
Well, that’s it for today.   I hope you are having a great weekend!
God bless and keep you,

Published by sonia67bones

I'm a happily married mom of two, living in Arkansas and selling AVON. Both of my children are grown and in college. I often wonder where the time went. I never thought I'd have blog but when blogs came along, I jumped on board. That just goes to show one doesn't know what the future holds. I was born in 1967 but my life truly began in 1996. That is the year I realized I need God in my life. That is the year I asked Jesus Christ into my life. So, you will see, as you follow my blog, there will be mention of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from time to time. I can't live without sharing that part of my life. I like to go to flea markets and visit antique shops and I usually find something to take home with me. I'm fairly new at crocheting. I tried to learn to crochet in my twenties but I didn't have left handed instructions. I could do it right handed but it was hard for me to keep my stitches consistent. Then a few years ago a left handed friend of mine gave me a book with left handed crocheting instructions and I learned to crochet. My first quilt was in done in 2001. Money was tight and I wanted to give my husband something nice. So I decided to make him a "blanket". Little did I know I would be hooked and still be making quilts years later. I'm starting my hand at scrapbooking and watercoloring. We will see how that goes. :) I update my AVON page each week with a special deal, so be sure to check it out. Well, that's a little about me. Hope you enjoy my blog and follow me on this journey.

12 thoughts on “Today’s Journey…

  1. I'm going to send thoughts of healing to you and your family in your time of need!!! I would like to invite you to follow me @ Crafty One Dollar Creations where I shall Craft, sew, re-purpose and cook and clean all for a dollar! I welcome your comments and look forward to your dad recovering with a heart to fill all the love you have to give him! My thoughts are with you!!! Have a great Monday.


  2. Sorry I'm late. I remember when my daddy had bypass surgery, many years ago. He lived for another 21 years, and it wasn't his heart that gave out. Hug on your mother during this time. Being the caregiver full time is difficult. Good luck with the cathedral windows quilt.


  3. Oh I can't wait for the flea markets to start up again. It looks like you found some wonderful goodies, and then you come home to cinnamon rolls ~ what a sweetheart ~ they look really yummy!!!
    Prayers and thoughts going out for your Dad ~ I hope everything goes well and he has a speedy recovery.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Prim Blessings


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